Saturday, January 2, 2010

Act. The end of the Scene. Bolivian Tango

Two men are sitting at a table for coffee.

Neither is drinking.

We’re beginning in the middle of their conversation.

Man 1. And so the girl came along and the boy just left with her. I think she took the baby too.

Man 2. So… this has to do with us?

Man 1. Yeah.

Man 2. The gay penguins at the zoo… they have to do with us?

Man 1. Yes.

Man 2. Okay.


Man 1. Paul?

Man 2. Yes?

Man 1. Are we the gay penguin parents from the zoo?

Man 2. Yes.


Man 1. What’s her name?

Man 2. Sadie.

Man 1. Gross.

Man 2. I just think little Rachel needs a mother.

Man 1. Okay.

Man 2. And Rachel likes Sadie.

Man 1. Okay.


Man 2. I found Jesus. And Jesus helped me fin Rachel. And Rachel helped me find happiness.

Man 1. Okay.

Man 2. Okay.


Man 2. So we cool?

Sadie walks in with Rachel on her hip.

Sadie. Let’s go, dear.

Man 2. Alright. I’ll see you later.

Man 1. Hi, Rachel.

Rachel. Sunday School says you’re going to hell.

Man 1. Probably.


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