Monday, April 20, 2009

Act. I did not expect. Scene. This/That

Lights up.

1 Stands at microphone.

1. There are many thigns that I expect to happen to me as I wake up in the morning and think about what the day has in store for me. I expect to feel grogy. I expect that I will have a hard time opening my eyes. I expect that after I wash my face with my special anti-acne face wash that my skin will feel extremely tight. I expect after I put lotion on it it will feel much better. I expect that after I step out of my shower my room will be as it was when I walked into the shower. Empty. I expect that I will make the walk to work in the rain. I expect that the sun will not shine. I expect that work will be monotanous and I will think about what would happen if I let my tie go in the paper shredder. I think about putting my credit card in the paper shredder. I think about putting my social security card in the paper shredder. I think about putting my boss in the paper shredder. I expect that around 1:30 i will have to go to the bathroom but my fear of public restrooms will prevent me and I will go through the rest of the day in discomfort. I expect that when I get back to my apartment it will be just how it was when I left it to go to work. Empty. I expect I'll make dinner for myself and have left overs. I expect I'll fall asleep eating peanuts and watching T.V. but not really watching. It's just on. I'll be thinking about other things. Like what it would be like to be a flower. Or what it would be like to have wings. Or what it would be like if I could sing. Or what it would be like I I was in love. Or what it would be like if I could fall in love. Or what it would be like it I LET myself fall in love. Or what would it be like if I didn't go to work tomorrow. Or what it would be like it I didn't wake up tomorrow. Or what it would be like if I held my breath for so long underneath this pillow that I wouldn't wake up. And I wonder if I would go to heaven or hell. And I wonder if God is a woman. And I wonder if God even likes me.

I wonder if God even likes me.

I expect not.

But I won't do any of these things.
Because I'm a coward.

So I go to bed after I turn off the television.

And fall alseep.
Dreaming of simplier times.
Like when Glasses were filled to the brim with sweet milk and oranges squeezed themselves to make my breakfast drink.


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