Monday, April 20, 2009

Act. What if I touch... Scene. Here?

Lights up.
Boy and Girl in a nondescript place talking about a VERY descript activity.

**Just to show that the author does not discriminate you may play these characters as ANY sex. There names remain Boy and Girl though.**

Girl. I don't know what to do.

Boy. You don't have to know what to do. It isn't like there is a checklist or something dumb like that. You just... do.

Girl. But what if I do something stupid?

Boy. You won't.

Girl. Yes I will.

Boy. No you won't.

Girl. Stop telling me how I'm going to feel. You don't know.

Boy. I'm sorry.

Girl. I'm sorry.


Boy. If you don't want to.

Girl. I do.

Boy. It seems like you don't.

Girl. I just want to get it over with. Like... This whole awkward part.

Boy. It's not awkward, baby.

(Boy rubs Girl's shoulder)

Girl. Okay. That's awkward.

Boy. Really? Oh. That's what they do in all the movies when Girl is awkward and it seems to calm them down. No?

Girl. No.

Boy. Huh...

(Silence for 6.5 minutes)

During this silence they do not look at each other.
But akwardly they stare straight ahead.
Once the timer has the the 6.5 minute mark.
Girl slowly reaches her hand over and places it lightly on Boy's leg.
Boy is excited but tries to act cool and and casual as if nothing is happening.
Girl slides it ontop of Boy's crotch and begins to rub.
Boy closes his eyes and his smile tightens.
Girl looks at Boy with his eyes closed.
She has a sad look in her eyes.

What Boy is feeling is indescribable.
The person he loves is making him feel a feeling that is so unique and powerful.
Boy is everywhere and nowhere all at the same time.
Boy is inhalling little tiny Girl's inside himself and they are dancing in Boy's lungs.
He is so happy.
You cna't imagine how good this feels.

And then there is Girl.
The stick in Boy's pants hardens.
It feels just like that.
A hard stick.
A cold shaft.
Her hand begins to feel numb on the outside from the excessive ammount of denim that is scratching her palm.
She continues though because she likes that Boy is feeling good.
It makes her feel good.
Not sexually, of course.
But it makes her feel accepted.

She begins to think, aloud perhaps.
Girl. (Boy will stay with me. If I can make him feel this good, he'll stay with me. He'll never leave me. I jsut have to be sure to make him feel good all the time. I need to make him feel so good he will never be able to exist without this feeling. I need him to become addicted to me.)

Girl cries.
Boy dies.


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